Saturday 17 April 2010

I love nature :')

I'm a self admitted hippy and proud :) yeah i love trees, and i hate the human race for being so.. buildy and ruining most of the natural beauty on this planet. So when something happens, whether it's a volcano, earthquake, tornado, tsunami, avalanche, hurricane, or whatever, i kinda like it. it's like mother nature's saying a big fuck you.
and i'm like, woo, it's about time :)
sounds harsh i know, but i'm just really against how the human race has screwed up what used to be a beautiful planet.

a few days ago a volcano in iceland, Eyjafjallajokull (have fun with pronunciation there) blew its top.
this caused a bit of havock >:) flooding in iceland cos the volcano was near glaciers, all UK flightss in and out were cancelled due to volcanic ash, the ash is like tiiiiny pieces of glass, sand, rock, n stuff n they can make the jets on a plane jam, so yeah, not too good for passengers :S

the last time this volcano blew up, its erruptions lasted over a year, they think this time round it may last for quite a few months, if this happens, there's a risk that the lava might melt the glacier ontop of a nearby volcano, Mount Kalta, and that can cause more flooding in iceland, and Mount Kalta could blow its top too n its muuuch bigger than the one that has aacually exploded. The ash cloud for Kalta could cuase most countries around earth to freeze, even in places that never see the cold cos the ash cloud blocks out the light from the sun, so it makes daytime nightime, and summer days winter days.

I think it's exciting :)

the ash cloud does amazing things, okay so it potentially can kill people.. cos like inhaling sulphur isnt too good for you, but with Eyjallafallskjdhzvsan its not toxic, it may just cause minor problems for athsmatics n lung problem people. And it stops loads of flights, deprives places of sunlight which effects farms n stuff

we got a damn BEAUTIFUL sunset.
in Birmingham?! What the hell, right?
i think its the best sunset ive seen in my life
HUGE crimson sun. with like bluey pinky sky :')

just.. wow :)

the picture just about says it.

maybe, this is like
the beginning of the end o.O
n this is the start of it
cos theres blates got to be things happening before too
exciiiiting :)


Wednesday 31 March 2010


it's stupid o clock in the morning (1.50am) and i've stumbled across some old texts

reading through them, all i can see is promises left hanging
either they were broken, or the promises were never fulfilled
so, whats the point in making all these promises if theyre just going to be ignored?
i mean, i'm not saying i've never broken a promise, cos i'll be the first to admit i've broken a fair few, mostly promises to myself.

breaking a promise to yourself is a bit crap really
it's like i'm setting myself these goals, yet somewhere inside, i know it ent gonna happen, but i still make these promises to myself. So, i kinda make it mean something when i make a promise to someone else.

letting myself down, i'm fine with, cos i can pick myself back up, and i knew it wasn't really going to happen to start with, but with me, if i dont set myself anything, i won't do it, so i might aswell try and get a bit closer.

If i let someone else down then.. thats just the biggest slap in the face ever. in my eyes if you make a promise to someone, thats cos you care about them and reinforce your trust even if it really doesnt need to be reinforced. So by breaking a promise you bruise the trust, and whats a friendship without trust? its nothing :/ loosing trust means you loose respect too, and if i break a promise, i'd try and make it up in another way, if i didn't, then id be far too guilty, and then i'd probably loose respect for myself. How can you expect other people to respect you if you can't respect yourself?

"How can you save me, when you can't save yourself?" Hatebreed -Empty Promises.

if promises keep getting knocked away, doesnt matter whether you were bothered about it or not, you loose a bit of faith each time.

anyway, i've just realised, so far this blog has just been rants
i'll put happy stuff in :)
cos im a happy person, honest


Tuesday 9 February 2010

Relationships, valentines, and the godforsaken L word

Riiiight, so it's valentines soon WOOOOOOO :D
time to not leave the house for a whole day in fear of mutiple kracken disease getting me (i.e: feeling quite sick with not being able to look anywhere without there being a couple eating each others faces off)

so, one day a year, when couples show their love to each other by doing something romantic...
why the hell does everyone need ONE day a year to show their love and respect for each other? :/
surely if they're soooo in love with each other, they wouldn't need to devote a day to romanticise each other? i mean, i'm not bashing couples that do spend the time all starry eyed because it's the 14th.. i've just never understood why there's a designated day to show affection when it should be like a constant flow. like i reckon it means more if someone was extraromantic on a day that wasnt valentines, cos then it's like "shiiiit they kinda mean it n it's not like they feel they HAVE to do it cos of valentines o.o" it's sweeter

anyway, i'm not sure if this even makes sense cos like, i'm quite hyper and also cynical and in rant-mode so yeaaah :)

ALSO: disclaimer (cos i think it's needed)
I'm not going on this rant because i'll be spending valentines single, as i'm sure that'll be a common thought like "oh she's only being like this cos she's single" nahh love, i've always thought it :)

facebook users. have you seen one of the most legendary groups in existence? "[blank] is in a relationship.... AGAIN?!"
what is it with people being so insecure they feel they can't be happy unless theyre with someone? i mean, sure, everyone wants to feel loved, everyone wants to be cuddled and stuff, that doesn't mean you HAVE to be in a relationship to be happy :/ it's like.. as children we're dependant on our parents, then as teenagers there's a sense of a similiar security with your relationship status and being with someone for the sake of being with someone.
to be honest though, i don't see why teenage hormones kick in so early.. i mean the number of teenagers who've lost their virginity before the legal age is unreal. why is there even a constant need in teenagers especially to have boyfriends and girlfriends? i'm hardly the maturist of girls but its like society just demands it now and it's not worth the heartbreak, honestly, i mean i'm lucky in the sense that my heart is still intact, but jesus.. theres your whole life for relationships, and it's not like you're going to marry the first person you kiss. I'm failing to understand the big deal.

I've come to realise after the last couple of months what a relationship is made up of.
first 3 months, everyone's fine and dandy.. 6 months into it, minor arguments, you begin to understand your true feelings for significant other. 9 months onwards, you get a general idea of whether it's going to last or not, arguments get more serious and its a test of patience.

Cynical, i know, but too bad, thats the way i see it.

Sooo, now. The biiiig L word :O
Does it even have a meaning now? it's thrown around far too much, 3 weeks in.. "ILOVEYOU" piss off. i guess the meaning of the word represents your own interpretation of love
like so if you throw it around all the time, it doesnt mean very much
but like, i guess you can really tell how strong the feeling is the longer you leave it.
And just cos you've said you love someone, doesn't mean it's law to use it everyday, thats half of how it becomes meaningless.
Same sort of situation as if you've just broken up with someone, just cos youre not together anymore and you might be feeling a bit bitter about the situation, don't give me that "i never loved them" speech. either you did and you're too proud to admit it, or you didn't at all.

Dont get me wrong, i'm a culprit of throwing the word around too. i'm still deciphering the meaning of the damned word. but i've come to this conclusion:
i get attached easily, then i fall in love too quick but i won't admit it becuase i dunno if it IS love or if it's the attachment confusing me. And well, i think of it like this:

If you can fall in love that easily, you can probably fall out of it with the click of someones fingers too, i guess love isn't so fine and dandy, it's really quite viciously malicious :/

Friday 29 January 2010

Damn Technology

Wow, so THE first post.. dun dun DUUUN
*heartbeat noises*

I am actually really disgusted with myself.
So, the past week or something, my power supply for the almighty laptop was dying :( Wednesday night, i ordered a new one, and, ironically, my normal one went KAPUT, completely deaded. And yknow when they say "You don't appreciate what you've got til it's gone" Thats so true it's unbelievable. And it's disgraceful that i'm so dependant on my laptop. If i'm not out and about, I admit, at least half of my social life is on my laptop and i know i spend far too much time on it doing nothing important when i should be doing coursework :S

So, damn technology, because although my laptop died, my phone happens to be on Orange, which also happens to have links with MSN, which i just *happen* to be already signed up on.

All of wednesday evening, i was getting my head around the strange thing that is mobile msn, aand i was glued to it all evening on thursday (if i hadnt have gone into town to try and get a replacement plug thingy to fix my powersupply it would've been all of thursday afternoon too) and then today - all day on phone msn, then as soon as dinner was done with, the new sparkly adapter had arrived earlier, that was connected, i missed my laptop so much i had an argument with my dad whilst a two hour long battle with my router started.

Now, is this my own personal obsession? Or is this just a tiny insight to how pathetic teenagers of the 21st century can be? I like avoiding the blame just as much as the next person, but i'm pretty sure it's a strong mix of the two

Out. :)